Minimizing Dust in Your Home

Shoes at the Door

It’s honestly not rude to ask people to take their shoes off when they enter your home. They should be offering the first place!

We carry dirt around on our shoes so it’s highly recommended that we leave them near the door, and if needs be offer slippers to anyone who might feel uncomfortable going shoeless in your home.


Keep Windows Closed

It’s better to keep your windows open in the evening than during the day. For safety reasons if you live on the ground floor, close the big windows and you have smaller windows up top then you can keep those open instead.

Reduce Clutter

Having keepsakes is great but the more clutter you have in the home, the more dust will accumulate. Keeping the sentimental and stylish ones out and keeping the odds ones in the drawers or stashed away is great. And you can always rotate them round.

Carpet Harbour Dust

 Some call them dust settlers. Having hardwood or tiles in heavy foot traffic areas are recommended. Carpet collects dust and general dirt. Invest in a powerful hoover and remember the corners of the room. If you are thinking of renovating, keep this in mind. It’s ideal to keep carpeting in bedrooms only and stick to a good medium sized rug in living spaces.


Window Blinds

 Get these cleans! Dust settles on them like bees to honey. They look aesthetically great but maintaining the cleanliness of it is key. Use a wet duster to dust otherwise you will just be moving dust from one place to another.



Take a peek at your radiator. When was the last time you are cleaning. We hang our clothes, towels.

Radiators, the new ones nowadays are not hard to clean so using a wet cloth and a quick wipe down.



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