Minimising Clutter in your home

Decluttering is not about going into the attic and shifting through pandora’s box. Please don’t…you will get demotivated very quickly and you will leave a wake of destruction after you.

 Look at items that are in your sitting room, in your bedroom, in your bathroom, that you haven't touched in the last year. Likelihood is if this item hasn't been used you really don't need it, do you…? Do you really need all those old towels or that empty box of nothing? Throw them away!

It starts one room at a time

Decluttering does not happen in a day. Trying to fit a lifetime or month of collecting items into an afternoon is never going to work. Pick one room and focus and target the items that you know you aren't going to use. If you struggle to let things go, recruit a friend or family member to be there to provide their unfiltered opinion.

Plan it

Have three bags.

One charity bag. One storage bag and a “Maybe keep” bag. We all love a keepsake, and we also want to bring our personal touch and character into our home environment but always keep checking your surroundings on things you can rotate around or things that you know that you definitely have no use for.

Have a Junk Drawer

We all have a hidden place we wouldn’t want anyone to venture into. Have a space where you dump things you’re contemplating about. It could be random things like pens, safety pins, broken toys etc. Every now and then do a little clear out but have your secret stash of mess.

Shoe Storage

It’s a must in every home if you have space in your hallway or anywhere downstairs. Keeping regular shoes in one place will make your house look organised. And saves time when you’re leaving the house because you know exactly where to grab them from. The same goes for your everyday use coats and jackets.

Kids Toys

Ever stepped on a Lego? Enough said. Keeping toys in boxes will be the best joy that you have. Children will have stages of toys, favourite ones that they will never let you get rid of. When you know you’re about to “refresh” their toys, help them to choose which ones they would love to give away.


Leaving paperwork around instantly makes your space feel messy when really, it’s just a couple of pieces of paper. Invest in a paper organiser and also keeps your details from prying eyes. We all subscribe to newletters online and the postman putting rubbish through your door. Once you know it’s not something you need, chuck it straight in the recycling bin.

The best way to get started is set a timer and deadline that you will spend an hour decluttering and you will be surprised as to how much you get done!


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